Merry Happy Ho Ho Ho y'all!

Hey all. (quick disclaimer - I do not own any of the pictures used in this post. I found them on the net.)
Well, it hasn't been the best year for blogging for me. Hell, it hasn't been the best year for me period.
My dad, at the beginning of the year, said that 2008 was going to be a bad year. And boy was it ever! I mean, some good things did come out of it - I got published, I'm still ALIVE, friends had babies, weddings are being planned - but overall...sigh.
I refuse to recount the disasters that occurred, because frankly, I think dwelling on the negative encourages it to return. So, instead, I'll just make this entry my wishes for you this year.
I wish you love. It doesn't get simpler than that. I know that everyone reading this blog has someone in their lives that they adore more than life, whether it be a significant other, a child, a parent or a friend. Don't dwell on the love you lack - embrace the love you have. Once you do that, then the rest doesn't matter.

I wish you friendship. True friendship, that doesn't judge, that doesn't waver, that doesn't fade. I know that we are all friends here, and yes, I would say that we are true friends, despite having never met in person. But I know that I can count on y'all to be here to listen and to give advice when I need it. From the very day I "met" you, it's been a no brainer. I wish our type of friendship for you in every avenue of your lives.
I wish you peace. There is too much violence in this world. I truly hope that none of it spills over into your lives. For those that have family and friends serving abroad, I wish for peace so that they may never have to endanger their lives again. In your homes, I hope that angry words never have to be spoken in haste, but that emotions stay in control.

I wish you truth. Lies are terrible and can cause sadness. So I wish for you that every person you meet has the courage to tell you the truth, and you to them, no matter how painful, no matter what the cost.
I wish you health, both physical and mental. Above all else, this is so very necessary for a wonderful quality of life. I've learned that this year. So please, take care of yourselves. Eat right (indulge a little every now and then - after all, we are only human), exersize, and remember to enjoy.

I wish you compassion. So many people in this world have less than we do. If we did one random act of kindness for one person a day, whether that person is a stranger or a friend, imagine what this world could be.
I wish you hope. Never give up. As long as we can have hope, there is still good in this world.
And lastly, I wish you family. They will always be there for you, they will always love you. They are your safe haven, they are your support.

May 2009 be a better year for all of us than 2008. To all my friends, I wish all this for you.
I love you.

Stay sane inside insanity ~ and never forget your towel.