Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Cause for Celebrating

Ladies and gents....I've got fabbo, boffo, socko, stupendous, splendiferous news!

I am, once again, a licensed security guard!!!!

I know, I know, I bitched and moaned in three very LONG rants about not being a guard, and how long it was going to take to get my license back.


Turns out the Ministry decided to re-evalutate what charges were important and necessary to receive pardons for before renewing a license, and they decided that the charges I have against me weren't enough to keep myself and other guards from working. So they sent me the application a few weeks ago, and I immediately sent it in.

I didn't want to say anything until I had my license in my hand, but earlier this week, it arrived!! I will be able to work again at the job I love!!

And to top it off, I really think that a lot of the problems Rod & I were having (which I couldn't post here because of well...anyway) are working themselves out, and we're in a good place.

I couldn't be happier, and all I can say is thanks to all of you for the support and friendship you gave me back in November when it all came down.


Stay sane inside insanity ~ and never forget your towel.


Dayle A. Dermatis said...

Wahoo! Great news, hon! :-)

Travis Cody said...

YAY! I'm so happy for you!

When you're happy in your work, I think that makes it so easier to get happy in other areas of your life.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Congrats-have a ball!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

WOO WOO WOO excellent news Angell...

Meribah said...

Wooooooooooooo! You go, girl! **Does the Dance Of Joy and opens some champagne** This is wonderful news! Hugs to you!:)

Unknown said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HURRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kisses, smooches, gropes, and hugs all around!

Anndi said...

Congrats sweetie... *hugs*

Coco said...

congrats hon *hugs*


With love and pride